Leeka I. Kheifets
发表于 [2012-2-19 0:00:00] 返回上一级浏览2864次

Leeka I. Kheifets 博士
Leeka I. Kheifets Ph.D.
Professor of Epidemiology
School of Public Health University of California Los Angeles

Dr. Leeka Kheifets是洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学公众健康学院的流行病学教授。同时,她也是世界卫生组织辐射研究计划主任。她之前在电力研究机构担任技术执行,负责领导一项多学科电磁场(EMF)研究计划。她曾在斯坦福大学医学学院健康研究与政策部门执教。她因在环境与职业流行病学的工作而享有名气,同时也发表过超过100篇论文。 Dr. Kheifets也为国际与国家委员会服务,以为提供政府环境政策上的建议。她是瑞典辐射防护机构(SSI)的国际委员会成员。她也服务于国家科学学院,电气电子工程学会,及国家辐射防护与测量委员会。Dr. Kheifets是国际非电离辐射防护委员会(ICNIRP)的流行病学常设委员会成员,也参与欧盟电磁场网检阅。Dr. Kheifets是国家环境健康科学机构成员、国际癌症研究机构成员、和世界卫生组织工作小组成员,负责分析潜在电磁场曝露健康影响。

Dr. Leeka Kheifets is a Professor of Epidemiology in the UCLA School of Public Health。 Most recently she was Head of the Radiation Studies Program at the World Health Organization.  Previously she was a Technical Executive at the Electric Power Research Institute, where she directed a multi–disciplinary electric and magnetic fields (EMF) research program. She taught at the Stanford University School of Medicine in the Department of Health Research and Policy.  She is widely known for her work in environmental and occupational epidemiology and has over 100 publications.  Dr. Kheifets serves on international and national committees that provide advice to governments on environmental policy. She was a member of the International Committee of the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI). She has served on committees for the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Dr. Kheifets is a member the standing committee on Epidemiology of the ICNIRP and participated in EU EMF-Net reviews.  Dr. Kheifets was also a member of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the International Agency for Research on Cancer and World Health Organization Working Groups charged with evaluating potential health effects from EMF exposure. 
Her research interests include epidemiology of cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as a methodologic research in risk assessment and policy development.
